
Published by rcdfrd on 2022-05-22

python 静态类型检查器-mypy 简易教程


对于一个深度使用 TS 的程序员来说,一开始写 python 发现竟然没有静态类型检查,内心是拒绝的,直到我发现了 mypy。

Mypy 是 Python 中的静态类型检查器。Mypy 具有强大且易于使用的类型系统,具有很多优秀的特性,例如类型推断、泛型、可调用类型、元组类型、联合类型和结构子类型。


Mypy 需要 Python 3.5 或更高版本才能运行。

python3 -m pip install mypy

然后把我们之前写的 python 代码,例如:

def greeting(name):
    return 'Hello ' + name


def greeting(name: str) -> str:
    return 'Hello ' + name


$ mypy

尽管您必须安装 Python 3 才能运行 mypy,但 mypy 也能对 Python 2 代码进行类型检查:只需传入 --py2 标志即可。

$ mypy --py2


def greeting(name: str, excited: bool = False) -> str:
    message = 'Hello, {}'.format(name)
    if excited:
        message += '!!!'
    return message

如果我们不想检查这一行,类似 TS 中的 @ts-ignore,可以使用 #type:ignore 忽略:

import frobnicate  # type: ignore



类型 描述
int 整数
float 浮点数
bool 布尔值
str 字符串
bytes 8-bit 字符串
object 对象
Any 任意类型
list[str] 字符串数组
tuple[int, int] 2 个整数元素的元祖
tuple[int, ...] 任意数量整数元素的元祖
dict[str, int] key 为字符串,value 是整数的字典
Iterable[int] 可迭代类型,元素为整数
Sequence[bool] 布尔值序列
Mapping[str, int] key 是字符串,value 是整数的映射


Class 类型,使用自定义类作为类型注释:

class A:
    def f(self) -> int:  # Type of self inferred (A)
        return 2

class B(A):
    def f(self) -> int:
         return 3
    def g(self) -> int:
        return 4

def foo(a: A) -> None:
    print(a.f())  # 3
    a.g()         # Error: "A" has no attribute "g"

foo(B())  # OK (B is a subclass of A)

Callable 类型,是否可调用:

from typing import Callable

def arbitrary_call(f: Callable[..., int]) -> int:
    return f('x') + f(y=2)  # OK

arbitrary_call(ord)   # No static error, but fails at runtime
arbitrary_call(open)  # Error: does not return an int
arbitrary_call(1)     # Error: 'int' is not callable

Union 类型,联合类型,也可以写为 type1 | type2:

from typing import Union

def f(x: Union[int, str]) -> None:
    x + 1     # Error: str + int is not valid
    if isinstance(x, int):
        # Here type of x is int.
        x + 1      # OK
        # Here type of x is str.
        x + 'a'    # OK

f(1)    # OK
f('x')  # OK
f(1.1)  # Error

Optional 类型,可选类型, Optional[X] 相当于 Union[X,None]:

from typing import Optional

def strlen(s: str) -> Optional[int]:
    if not s:
        return None  # OK
    return len(s)

def strlen_invalid(s: str) -> int:
    if not s:
        return None  # Error: None not compatible with int
    return len(s)

NamedTuple 类型

from typing import NamedTuple

Point = NamedTuple('Point', [('x', int),
                             ('y', int)])
p = Point(x=1, y='x')  # Argument has incompatible type "str"; expected "int"

TypeVar 任意类型

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T') # 任意类型
A = TypeVar('A', int, str) # A类型只能为int或str
def test(t: A) -> None:

Generator 生成器类型

def echo_round() -> Generator[int, float, str]:
    sent = yield 0
    while sent >= 0:
        sent = yield round(sent)
    return 'Done'

NoReturn 类型,函数永不返回:

from typing import NoReturn

def stop() -> NoReturn:
    raise Exception('no way')

NewType 类型,声明一个不同的类型而又不实际执行创建新类型,在运行时,将返回一个仅返回其参数的虚拟函数:

from typing import NewType

UserId = NewType('UserId', int)

def name_by_id(user_id: UserId) -> str:

UserId('user')          # Fails type check

name_by_id(42)          # Fails type check
name_by_id(UserId(42))  # OK

num = UserId(5) + 1     # type: int

**overload 类型,**给同一个函数多个类型注释来更准确地描述函数的行为:

from typing import Union, overload

# Overload *variants* for 'mouse_event'.
# These variants give extra information to the type checker.
# They are ignored at runtime.

def mouse_event(x1: int, y1: int) -> ClickEvent: ...
def mouse_event(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int) -> DragEvent: ...

# The actual *implementation* of 'mouse_event'.
# The implementation contains the actual runtime logic.
# It may or may not have type hints. If it does, mypy
# will check the body of the implementation against the
# type hints.
# Mypy will also check and make sure the signature is
# consistent with the provided variants.

def mouse_event(x1: int,
                y1: int,
                x2: Optional[int] = None,
                y2: Optional[int] = None) -> Union[ClickEvent, DragEvent]:
    if x2 is None and y2 is None:
        return ClickEvent(x1, y1)
    elif x2 is not None and y2 is not None:
        return DragEvent(x1, y1, x2, y2)
        raise TypeError("Bad arguments")

Literal 类型,表明一个表达式等于某个特定的原始值。例如,如果我们用 type 注释一个变量 Literal["foo"],mypy 将理解该变量不仅是 type str,而且还特别等于 string "foo"

from typing import overload, Union, Literal

# The first two overloads use Literal[...] so we can
# have precise return types:

def fetch_data(raw: Literal[True]) -> bytes: ...
def fetch_data(raw: Literal[False]) -> str: ...

# The last overload is a fallback in case the caller
# provides a regular bool:

def fetch_data(raw: bool) -> Union[bytes, str]: ...

def fetch_data(raw: bool) -> Union[bytes, str]:
    # Implementation is omitted

reveal_type(fetch_data(True))        # Revealed type is "bytes"
reveal_type(fetch_data(False))       # Revealed type is "str"

# Variables declared without annotations will continue to have an
# inferred type of 'bool'.

variable = True
reveal_type(fetch_data(variable))    # Revealed type is "Union[bytes, str]"

Final 类型,限定符来指示不应重新分配、重新定义或覆盖名称或属性:

from typing import Final

RATE: Final = 3000

class Base:
    DEFAULT_ID: Final = 0

RATE = 300  # Error: can't assign to final attribute
Base.DEFAULT_ID = 1  # Error: can't override a final attribute


mypy 将按照当前目录下的 mypy.ini > .mypy.ini > pyproject.toml > setup.cfg 顺序查找配置文件。或者使用 --config-file 指定配置文件。


  • [mypy] 全局设置
  • [mypy-PATTERN1,PATTERN2,...] 特定模块设置

如果是使用 pyproject.toml 文件,则有一些不同的地方:

  • [mypy] 改写为 [tool.mypy]
  • 模块特定部分应移入 [[tool.mypy.overrides]] 部分,例如,[mypy-packagename] 会变成:
module = 'packagename'
  • 多模块特定部分可以移动到单个 [[tool.mypy.overrides]] 部分中,并将模块属性设置为模块数组,例如,[mypy-packagename,packagename2] 会变成:
module = [
  • 字符串必须用双引号括起来,如果字符串包含特殊字符,则必须用单引号括起来,布尔值应全部小写


  1. files 逗号分隔的路径列表,如果命令行上没有给出,则应由 mypy 检查,支持递归。
  2. exclude 应忽略检查的文件名、目录名和路径
  3. ignore_missing_imports 禁止有关无法解析的导入的错误消息。
  4. disallow_untyped_defs 不允许定义没有类型注释或类型注释不完整的函数。
  5. plugins 逗号分隔的 mypy 插件列表